Future Masterpieces

We are proud to present the works of master Lorenzo Padilla. Throughout his career, most of his pieces are in his foundation in France and in the museum of his hometown in Cuba, which bears his name. This makes it difficult to acquire any of his work. It is a great privilege to showcase these exceptional pieces and offer you the unique opportunity to collect them.

Confusion, Lorenzo Padilla

2021, Pastel


20 1/2 x 15 1/2 in

Certificate of Authenticity

Future Masterpieces

You should contact us if you are interested in collecting these works.


Outstanding, Lorenzo Padilla

2021, Pastel


20 1/2 x 15 1/2 in

Certificate of Authenticity

Future Masterpieces

You should contact us if you are interested in collecting these works.


First Vision

2019, Pastel


20 1/2 x 15 1/2 in

Certificate of Authenticity

Future Masterpieces

You should contact us if you are interested in collecting these works.


Dream First

2020, Pastel


20 1/2 x 15 1/2 in

Certificate of Authenticity

Future Masterpieces

You should contact us if you are interested in collecting these works.


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